Man throws acid at rape survivor, threatens her to take back case

Speed News Desk 11 August 2021, 15:19 IST

Man throws acid at rape survivor, threatens her to take back case

An unknown man attacked a 38-year-old woman with acid on Sunday and threatened her to take back a rape and extortion complaint that she had registered at the Malwani police station few months ago. The acid filled balloon, which the man tossed at the girl, landed on her leg where she sustained burn injuries.

The woman, who was a property adviser, parted ways with her husband in 2010 and currently the woman was staying with her 11-year-old daughter in Andheri.

The woman in her statement to the Andheri police said, she was waiting for an auto-rickshaw on the Western Express Highway at around 10.50 pm when an unknown person came towards her and threw a plastic balloon at her. It also had a note attached to it, which read, “Take back your complaint against Bobby Bhole.”

At the time she started crying for help, few passers by and a police petrolling team arrived at the spot and rushed her to Cooper Hospital.

According to the woman’s statement, her business partner met alleged accused Bobby on Facebook and started going out. On 3rd June, 2021, she registered a rape and extortion case against Bhole and his friends Zakir Shaikh, Mahesh Bhole, Akash Malhotra, Mayank and Kapil Bhole, at Malvani police station under Sections 376, 384, 385, 506, 326 and 34 of the IPC. Shaikh was arrested in the case. Though Bobby was summoned to the police station, she was later free.

The woman further stated that, “For the last two months, I had been getting threat calls from Bobby, who insists that I take back the case. I approached the Malvani police and submitted a written complaint against her on August 6, but the officer asked me to submit the complaint at Sahar police station, as I had received the calls while I was at Andheri East.” On 7th August, the Sahar police filed a non-cognisable (NC) against the accused (Bobby) and the acid attack took place on 8th August.

“Both my legs have suffered burn injuries in the attack. My daughter and I are extremely worried. I am a single mother and have to go to work. My daughter stays alone at home. I am afraid that these people might try to harm my daughter. Bobby has threatened to kill my daughter too if I don’t withdraw the case. The Andheri police have assured to help me in this. My only request is to arrest Bobby,” woman added.

“We have lodged a case under Section 326 (A) of the IPC and are trying to find the man who attacked the woman. We are also trying to find out if he was hired by Bobby to commit the crime. CCTV footage are being looked into in order to identify the accused,” said police.

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