Water is making 'Aquaman' super complicated to shoot: James Wan

News Agencies 11 August 2017, 15:36 IST

Water is making 'Aquaman' super complicated to shoot: James Wan

Known for handling big franchises such as ' The Conjuring' and 'Insidious', James Wan is all geared up to shoot 'Aquaman' for DC and Warner Bros, but he recently revealed the challenges he is facing to shoot for the movie.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Wan said that shooting a film that takes place mainly underwater, comes with a big set of challenges.

He said, "It's a very technically challenging shoot to be on. Working with water, and even the dry-for-wet sequences are very complex. Our equivalent of two people sitting around chatting in the underwater world is super complicated."

Adding, "You have to think about CG(I) with the hair, and how their clothing moves, how are they floating, what kind of rig we put them on and all that stuff."

The director went on to stress that much of this challenge comes from his commitment to shooting as much with the real actors as he can, skirting CGI wherever possible.

"That just makes it very difficult and time-sucking and time-challenging to do all of this. So it's not an easy shoot, but hopefully it will pay off in spades down the line," noted Wan.

The ' Insidious' helmer also shared how Dolph was a great choice for this role of King Nereus.

"When I was in the process of writing this character [King Nereus] in the world of Aquaman, a friend of mine, [director] Mike Mendez, was working with him on one of his films, and Mike was just raving about how great Dolph was. And I thought 'Oh my god, Dolph would be great for this role as well!' So it kinda came about from that roundabout way," shared Wan.

Helmed by James Wan, 'Aquaman' stars Jason Momoa in titular role, with Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe, Patrick Wilson, Nicole Kidman and Dolph Lundgren in pivotal roles.

The flick is slated for release on  21 December 2018.