Lost roles for not flirting with directors: Lena Headey

News Agencies 9 July 2017, 13:54 IST

Lost roles for not flirting with directors: Lena Headey

Now, this seems to be a very unusual way of losing out roles.

According to The Independent, Headey who is known for playing the stellar character of Cersei Lannister in hit-TV series 'Game of Thrones' has revealed that she lost out on roles in her younger days for not 'flirting' in her auditions.

She said, "When I was in my twenties, and doing a lot of audition tapes in the States, a casting director told me, the men take these tapes home and watch them and say, who would you f**k?"

Adding, "I've never played the game of going in [to auditions] and flirting; I've never done it."

The actress also shared that she is really glad to be an actress in her 40s.

"I'm happier now I'm older, playing women who aren't expected to be beautiful. That pressure has gone for me. [Male] actors can be 'interesting,' but there's a real pressure on women to be beautiful and skinny," noted Headey.

She also felt that women face obstacles in getting the respect they deserve, highlighting the point with a recent conversation she had with another woman in the industry.

"I was talking about this with another actress, and I said, 'Do you find that you have to say the same things seven times, whereas a man says it once and everyone listens? Male counterparts can say the same thing [I just did] and everyone's like, 'Oh, that's a great idea' and I'm like, 'I just said that 19 times but you chose not to listen or take it on board," she shared.

'Game of Thrones' is back on HBO on July 16.