Avengers craze! Meet 2-year-old Ezekiel, suffering from heart disease protected by Iron Man's shield

Speed News Desk 27 April 2018, 14:30 IST

Avengers craze! Meet 2-year-old Ezekiel, suffering from heart disease protected by Iron Man's shield

The character of Tony Stark which was played by Robert Downey Jr. The character appeared as a billionaire on the big screen, Tony was injured a weapon created by his own company and saved by the creation of the arc reactor and an iron armor. The injury which Tony faced was soon converted into a path to become a hero. The character of Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Larry Lieber and Don Heck was created 55-years ago. Moreover, the character became a comic icon for decades and then it was launched by Marvel Studios. The character of Tony Stark means alot to the 2-year-old boy.

The "Avengers: Infinity War" has released today and with that a lot of stories regaring the movie are circulating in social media. A 2-year-old child, Ezekiel is a die hard fan of the character. The kid is treated at the Las Vegas’ Children’s Heart Foundation and he has surpassed all those stories.

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Ezekiel, was born with two-thirds of his heart and part of his liver and intestines on the outside of his body. His heart doesn't function properly and he has to wear chest protection to keep his tiny heart safe from the trouble.

A special plate was desgined for the child and the special plate was painted as Iron Man to help Ezekiel identify that his heart condition is what makes him braver, not weaker.


The case with happened with Tony Stark is almost same with Ezekiel, whose fragile heart made him stronger and a true superhero.  

There is only 1 in 120,000 children diagnosed with the condition which Ezekiel is facing and only less than five percent of those survive.

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