Summer Alert! Drinking water after eating Cucumber and these fruits could be dangerous; know how?

Speed News Desk 16 March 2019, 15:20 IST

Summer Alert! Drinking water after eating Cumcumber, Papaya or watermelon could be dangerous; know why?

Countdown begins as summer is here! During summers we has be very conscious about towards our daily intake, stay the hydrated whole day. Well, in summers the intake of fruits and salad goes on upscale and meal consumption declines. Summers and cucumbers go hand in hand. Fruits like Papaya, Watermelon grapes etc contains rich amount of water that keeps up stay hydrated.

However, the consumption of water during summers are on top of the list and it when we end up making a dangerous consumption for our health. As Cucumber are replete with nutrients, full of minerals, vitamins and electrolytes and is best consumed raw. Similarly, Watermelon and Papaya are good powerhouses of water and nutrients. Even, the fruits are good for one on weight loss.

Drinking water after having Cucumber, Papaya and Watermelon:


As water and these fruits and Cucumber are important to add in our daily diet, when it comes to clubbing water with Cucumber or fruits, experts suggest it is dangerous for health.

According to a common belief, one is not advised to drink water too close to eating cucumbers. So is there any truth to the common belief, or is it just one of the myths. Let's find out. 

However, medically, having water after eating papaya, Cucumber or Watermelon can cause problems for your digestive system.


Experts Advice:

According to Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora ND, "Cucumber is loaded with essential nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin K, copper, magnesium, potassium, manganese and most importantly silica, which is great for skin and hair health. Cucumber is 95% water, it does not make sense having water and diluting these essential nutrients. It is always advisable to avoid drinking water close to eating raw veggies and fruits for better absorption of nutrients."

As summer is around the corner, one should be careful while it comes about health. So, So go ahead, load up on the nutrient-dense veggie and try to keep 20-minutes between chugging a glass of water and eating these watery veggies and fruits.

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