Revealed: Being overweight causes more heart disease risk, says new study

Speed News Desk 4 August 2018, 16:18 IST

Revealed: Being overweight causes more heart disease risk, says new study

Obesity is the main cause of many diseases. It makes you weak, over weight and lazy.

Being overweight can cause high blood pressure and thicken heart muscle, which is a major problem as it affects your heart and makes you sick later in life, a new study has revealed.

The research, published in the journal Circulation becomes the first to explore if higher body mass index (BMI) - a weight-for-height index - results in adverse effects on the cardiovascular system in young adults. 

Kaitlin H Wade from the University of Bristol Medical School in the United Kingdom says that the results support efforts to reduce body mass index to within a normal, healthy range from a young age to prevent later heart disease," said.

The study was conducted when researchers used data on several thousand healthy 17-year-olds and 21-year-olds participating in an ongoing study since birth in Bristol, United Kingdom.

The findings also state that higher BMI caused higher systolic (top number) and diastolic (bottom number) blood pressure.

It also caused enlargement of the left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber, the researchers said.

"Thickening of vessel walls is widely considered to be the first sign of atherosclerosis, a disease in which fatty plaques build up within the arteries and lead to heart disease.

"However, the findings suggest that higher BMIs cause changes in the heart structure of the young that may precede changes in blood vessels," an expert said.

Two of the analyses used in the study (Mendelian randomisation and recall-by-genotype) take advantage of the properties of genetic variation.

People should have to be very careful about their food and physical exercise.

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