'Ideal' workplaces promote healthy lifestyle

Speed News Desk 21 March 2018, 12:18 IST

Who doesn't want the perfect job coupled with a healthy lifestyle. Putting in those extra hours and pulling all-nighters due to work pressure can lead to various health-related issues. So how do you balance work and stay healthy at the same time?

Before you start stressing over the fact that this is on your head too, let me give you some inside scoop on a new study.

According to studies, employees who work in a healthy environment enjoy good-well being, increased productivity and a positive and giving outlook towards their company. However, setting up an 'ideal' workplace environment involves mammoth costs. Taking out salaries, providing good furnishings, insurances, mediclaims, investment in health and hygiene and high-end equipment requires astronomical amounts of money.

Puneet Chandra, Founder & CEO of Skootr, a managed office solution provider, lists the five musts for creating the ideal office space.

Prioritizing Hygiene

None of the health measures taken will be effective if the workstation itself is host to illnesses and lacks basic sanitation. A clean lemon scented washroom is on everyone's wish list. Hygienic washrooms give a sense of comfort to employees and help in increasing their productivity.

A touch of greenry

Studies have shown the advantages -- both physical and psychological -- of having plants in and around workplaces. It is also highly cost-effective compared to indoor air purifiers.

Regulated pantry services

Organic and healthy food tops the list of reasons for happy employees. Industry experts say 70 percent to 90 percent of healthcare spending can be saved by excluding unhealthy lifestyle choices. Employees prefer healthy during break-time instead of depending on junk food from roadside shops and street food vendors.

Bright interiors & comfortable furniture

A carefully designed office ensures innovation among employees. According to psychoanalysts, mental and physical health is majorly dependent on the physical work environment. Bright furnishings and peppy interiors tend to boost the employees' mood and helps them be more productive and pro-active throughout the day. Comfortable ergonomic furniture, interactive work desks have proven to alleviate stress and encourage interaction respectively among employees.

In-house gym

After their 9-hour job, the thought to going to a gym during the peak hour where the roads are jam packed is any employee's biggest nemesis. In-house gyms provide employees with added satisfaction coupled with the will to work harder while maintaining a healthier lifestyle.