5 Early Signs of Osteoporosis

Speed News Desk 22 August 2017, 14:53 IST

5 Early Signs of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, which means “porous bone”, is a progressive disease that occurs in the body when the bones become weak, thin, and extremely vulnerable to fractures. Mostly occurring in older people, it causes permanent pain and affects the vertebrae leading to a stooped or hunched posture. Apart from this, it also restricts mobility that leads to isolation and depression among patients.

The effects of osteoporosis are terrible, and one more dreading thing about this disease is that it is quite difficult to detect it as one cannot feel the weakening of bones. This is the reason that it is often called as a silent disease. However, if one is careful enough to identify its signs and symptoms, one can control it with proper medication and treatment.

To know whether you are suffering from this disease, do check these 5 early signs of osteoporosis that we have listed down before it is too late. Read them and be safe.

1. Joint or muscle pain

With a hectic schedule staring at us every morning, we tend to accept aches as a part of a tiring day. However, if such pain remains constant, then you must try to understand that your bones need care. Severe joint and muscle pain can point towards weak bones and hence need a medical checkup from an orthopaedic doctor.

2. Loss of Height

If a person is suffering from this bone disease, then his/her bones in the spine easily collapse on each other. This results in loss of height. At times people ignore it because stooped posture develops naturally as we age, however, if it continues at a rapid pace then there are chances that it is happening due to different mechanisms of osteoporosis. Losing more than 3 cm in height (just over 1 inch) is a sign that something may be wrong with your bones. Hence, if you detect this symptom, do go to the nearby hospital and get your diagnosis done.

3. Receding Gums

Another natural phenomenon related to aging, receding gum can also be linked to bone loss. As our teeth are connected to the jaw bone, any loss or weakness in the jaw bone can result in receding of the gums. Therefore, whenever you visit your dentist, ask him to diagnose your gums to screen any bone loss. This can help you in detecting the disease early and get the best treatment on time.

4. Reduced Grip

Balance and a good grip are quite necessary to test your bone density and if you have trouble in handgrip then start considering a diagnosis. Fortunately, there are many exercises that you can do to improve your muscle strength and handgrip regardless of your age. Try performing them and maintain a strong body.

5. Fractures from Minor Injuries

If your age is above 50 and you have suffered a fracture from an incident as small as a sudden movement, there are chances that you are suffering from osteoporosis. Consult an orthopaedic doctor and if assessed with the disease, begin your treatment as soon as possible.

Once you have read all the signs and symptoms and feel that you are affected by any one of them, immediately visit your nearby hospital for clearing your doubt. Thanks to the increase in readily available healthcare services in Delhi, you can find an orthopaedic doctor in Dwarka as well.

Bones are the strong base on which your body flourishes and hence, it is an inevitable need to take proper care of them. As prevention is always better than cure, you must take essential steps to keep your bones strong and healthy. If you do so, then your older years will be quite active and flexible giving you the strength and freedom to do things on your own without depending on others.