Shocking! Are vampires back? Mysterious creature kills entire flock of sheep, drains blood out of the bodies

Speed News Desk 24 August 2018, 12:38 IST

Shocking! Are vampires back? Mysterious creature kills entire flock of sheep, drains blood out of the bodies

This is serious as anyone can be petrified.

In a terrifying incident, the villagers from Ukraine hamlet have claimed that a mysterious vampire-like creature is going on hunt killing eight sheep and sucked their blood completely dry.

As per The Sun, the corpses of the dead animals with bite signs in their necks were found in the village of Matveevtsy in eastern Ukraine's Ternopil Oblast region.

The signs were similar to the ones how vampire hunts

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However, it has been reported by local authorities, villagers and the vets that they have no idea about what kind of creature could have sucked all the blood from eight sheep.

The flock belonged to Farmer Mykhailo Ostapyuk, who discovered the dead animals in the morning when he was moving his flock of sheep from an open-air sheepfold to pasture.

Speaking to local media, he said, “The corpses of the sheep were scattered in different parts of the sheepfold,” adding. “Looks like they were hunted and killed one by one.”

The local vet also informed that each corpse had two holes on the neck artery and some of them had holes in their legs where veins were located.

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“All the blood was sucked from all sheep through the holes in their necks and legs”, the vet added.

Each of the killed sheep weighed about 154 pounds.

The terrified villagers say they cannot imagine what kind of creature could be so vicious.

Ostapyuk took a snap of a footprint near the fence of the sheepfold. 

People assume that the footprint is similar to that of a wolf or a large dog, local hunter Yaroslav Yurchuk believes that a wolf or a dog could not have killed the sheep.

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