Parting Strategy (Viral Video): How small fishes use teamwork to survive shark attacks

Speed News Desk 24 February 2023, 14:54 IST

Parting Strategy (Viral Video): How small fishes use teamwork to survive shark attacks

In a stunning display of teamwork and survival tactics, a school of small fishes was caught on camera giving passage to a group of sharks in New York. The video shows the sharks swimming through the school of fish, which opens up a path for them to pass through.

Parting - Survival Strategy against shark attacks
This behavior, known as "parting," is not uncommon among fish schools when larger predators are present. The smaller fish instinctively gather together in a tight formation, creating a wall of bodies that can make it difficult for predators to single out and capture any one individual.

But in some cases, like the one captured on camera, the smaller fish take it a step further and actually part to make way for the predator to pass through.

This behavior not only allows the predator to move through the school more easily, but it also helps to reduce the likelihood of any accidental collisions between the predator and the smaller fish.

Calculated surival strategy
While the sight of a school of small fish parting to let a group of sharks swim through may seem like an act of selflessness or even submission, it is actually a calculated survival strategy. By creating a clear path for the predator to move through, the smaller fish increase their chances of survival by reducing the risk of a frenzied feeding frenzy that could result in more casualties.


This behavior is a testament to the incredible adaptability and ingenuity of the animal kingdom.

In the face of danger, even the smallest creatures are capable of coming together to form a unified front and outsmart their predators.

It is a reminder that even in the natural world, where survival is often a matter of life and death, there is room for cooperation and mutual benefit