70 years later, a Peace Anthem brings India-Pakistan closer ahead of I-Day

Durga M Sengupta 13 August 2017, 16:28 IST

Like twins born a minute apart, India and Pakistan celebrate our respective days of Independence one after another. And like twins, we fight, compete, and yet have the most in common.

While 14 August for Pakistan, and 15 August for India, are days of celebration, there's also a long bloody history that we need to unitedly write over to rise above our differences.

And what better way to do it than unitedly sing our respective national anthems, two beautiful pieces of music and poetry on their own. But together, they send a powerful message of peace and unity, of shared experience within diversity, of loss, love, and brotherhood.

Ram Subramanian, known for 'Voice of Ram', has put together two videos to send across this powerful message. The first, released on Friday, showcased an Indian Acapella group 'VoxChord' wishing Pakistan a 'Happy Birthday'.

People loved it for the craft, the effort and the feeling it was made with. Many Pakistanis, moved by the video, left positive comments under the video.

Muhammad Usman Khalil

As a Pakistani, THIS IS SO AWESOME! I cant imagine the kind of flak you guys will have to face for this, but this is wholeheartedly appreciated in Pakistan!

Muhammad Saim Raffat

Amazing attempt by Indians. Thank you for this goodwill gesture hope someone from Pakistan does the same and sings Indian anthem. May peace prevail.

Saim Tariq

Thanks. This was the best gift from any Indian for a Pakistani.

Saleem Haq



Mahek Ahsan

The best birthday wish for Pakistan.

The best way to spread peace and love between the two neighbour countries.

Thank u to these Indians for having such big hearts to wish Pakistan by singing our national anthem

Respect and love from Pakistan

Happy Independence Day India

Many Indians wished Pakistanis a 'Happy Birthday' under the video as well. Some were curious if there would also be a Jana Gana Mana rendition on its way.

Instead of a simple rendition of the Indian National Anthem though, Voice of Ram got artistes from both countries to sing the Indian and Pakistani anthems together.

The new video, called VOR Peace Anthem, is a rousing anthem, beautifully sung by every single artiste. It reminds one of Mile Sur Mere Tumhara for its diversity, and represents the urban youth of both countries rather well.

The 13 artists, some located in different parts of the country, other in studios, come together to bridge the gap between two nations with their art.

On being asked what triggered Ram to make these videos, he tells Catch, “I did these videos because a lot of people are afraid to speak about peace and it's an illogical fear.”

At the beginning of the Peace Anthem, Ram is quoted on a slide that reads, “When we open our borders to art, peace comes along.”

“To me, these videos mean a new beginning, another small step towards peace,” he tells us.

His small step seems to be working, for while the video is fresh on the internet, it has quite a few positive comments pouring in.

Adnan Nazir

No point of not appreciating this :)

Peace is the only thing that we Pakistanis are in need of the most.

Indian people are nice not all but some. stop terrorism in Baluchistan and Kashmir.

Farhan Manzoor

Happy Independence Day to both of us #respect

Saqib Murtaza

Salute for this thinking. Best example of unity from both sides – India & Pakistan. Humanity is bigger than religion.

Talha Syed

Love from Srinagar, Kashmir. To India and Pakistan