World Cricket Committee to review World Cup final overthrow involving Ben Stokes

Speed News Desk 14 August 2019, 17:51 IST

World Cricket Committee to review World Cup final overthrow involving Ben Stokes

The ICC World Cup 2019 final overthrow incident, which saw the New Zealand lose the quadrennial event, will be reviewed in September 2019, The MCC World Cricket Committee decided during a meeting on Monday.

The decision was taken by the WCC panel which featured former Australian bowler Shane Warne and Kumar Sangakara after the overthrow decision caused a massive outcry in the media and cricket fraternity. Umpire Kumar Dharmasena had also acknowledged to the fault in judgement, days after the controversy surfaced.

"The WCC discussed Law 19.8 in relation to overthrows, in the context of the ICC Men's Cricket World Cup Final. WCC felt that the Law was clear but the matter will be reviewed by the Laws sub-committee in September 2019," the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) said in a statement.


The World Cricket Committee during the meet also approved the introduction of replacements for players suffering from concussion and ICC’s latest announcement of further trials into the automated calling of No balls.

As per the MCC release, "the committee also suggested that ball-tracking software should be used to help on-field umpires judge No balls over waist height and wides over the batsman's head. Such calls often prove to be difficult for umpires but would be relatively straightforward for technology to assist with."

Other important discussions, that happened during the meet was that the WCC expressed its support in seeing the return of touring sides to Pakistan.
