How CollegeDunia's reviews are changing the face of education industry

News Agencies 27 June 2017, 14:57 IST

How CollegeDunia's reviews are changing the face of education industry

With the recent increase in student intake by almost all the colleges, an unusual trend has been observed by CollegeDunia, one of the largest college aggregator portals that colleges with better reviews on their portal are witnessing an increase in their application rates while those with poor reviews are actually facing scrutiny in terms of admission trends.

CollegeDunia currently holds a database of more than 25,000 colleges and 6,000 courses. Along with this, CollegeDunia has more than 1, 00,000 published reviews on colleges spread throughout the website, averaging up to five reviews per college, with a few colleges having more than 500 reviews as well. It is evident that these reviews do help the students in making a better choice.

"We make sure that each review is genuine. In order to ensure the quality, each and every review submitted on our site goes through an approval procedure where the student's information is checked and authenticated. We are well-informed of the fact that these reviews can either make or break the career of students, and hence, we have to be sure that we present the truth in front of everyone," said Sanjay Meena, Business Head at CollegeDunia.

CollegeDunia has witnessed exponential growth in terms of users, which has made it one of the most trusted brands out there that people seeking educational information can refer to. The best part of CollegeDunia is its interactive design that allows users in writing organic reviews. These authentic organic reviews do help in generating an actual purview of the college in consideration.

As per an internal survey conducted by CollegeDunia on its data regarding these reviews, a unique pattern was observed. Some of the colleges that used to receive a fairly low application percentage saw a sudden rise in their applications, subject to these reviews.

Another observation about the diminishing application percentages for a few colleges was made, and relation with the number and quality of reviews was observed.

"With the recent advancements and increase in the reach of technology, the students have got numerous mediums to check the genuineness of the facts that colleges portray. Apparently, reviews on CollegeDunia is one highlighted medium that these students are using as they can relate to what the actual students of the college might be witnessing," the Marketing Head of Jain University said.

"We have been growing at an exponential pace and the numbers show that. With the increasing number of reviews, we have to ensure that they are genuine, which is why, a team keeps control of that. We are also taking initiatives to attract students in writing these reviews, all because we want students to make a smart choice." said Sahil Chalana, Founder, CollegeDunia.

It is apparent from the above facts that genuine and new content does play a vital role in the students making a choice. Fake colleges can break the career of students, and hence, thorough research about the college needs to be made. Sites like CollegeDunia can surely help in ensuring that.