Breathe fresh with Auzair

News Agencies 22 June 2017, 11:55 IST

Breathe fresh with Auzair

Auzair, a leading Australian firm providing fresh air in stored bottles, has launched its fresh air bottles in India to help people experience a healthier life with pure Australian fresh air. The bottle comes in two sizes - 7.5 Liters and 15 Liters.Auzair, a leading Australian firm providing fresh air in stored bottles, has launched its fresh air bottles in India to help people experience a healthier life with pure Australian fresh air. The bottle comes in two sizes - 7.5 Liters and 15 Liters. The price of the fresh air bottle ranges from INR 1300 to INR 3000. You can buy these fresh air bottles online.

At a time when air pollution in India is rising at an alarming level causing serious harm to people's health, and doctors focusing on the benefits of intake of clean and fresh air, Auzair emerges out as the most sought after option for individuals looking to nourish their mind, body and soul with pure and fresh air.

Research has found that India's worsening air pollution caused 1.1 million premature deaths in 2015. In the same year, the World Health Organization (WHO) had labeled Delhi as the most polluted city in the world, surpassing longtime competitor Beijing. WHO found India home to 13 of the 20 world cities with the most polluted air.

Auzair's attempt to bring clean and pure air in stored bottles from Australia is, therefore, something to cheer about. The idea of having clean air bottles and cans at hand is very appealing to the India's growing middle class who are becoming more worried about the country's poor air quality. The company expects that India would be a thriving market for pure and fresh air due to its bad air quality. Especially because of the convenience of being able to buy these pure air bottles online.

Amar Talwar, Auzair's International Sales and Marketing Director said, "Our endeavor is to help people breathe fresh air as air quality in major Indian metro cities is very poor. We've captured the purest quality of fresh air available to us from some of the most unspoiled and purest places in the South Pacific. I am confident that people in India are going to love Australian fresh air feeling. Our products will make a deeper and healthier impact in people's lives as they are becoming more worried about the country's poor air quality."

The air has been filled using medically approved processes and the quality of the air has passed rigorous lab tests proving the air to be pure and free from pollution. The air has been filled from the Blue Mountains in Australia where the Air Quality Index is below 25 which is considered very clean according to the world standards. In India, the Air Quality Index is as bad as 350 which is considered as hazardous and is prone to serious health conditions for people living in these areas.

Auzair uses a custom-built machine to collect clean air into disposable cans. Each can provide around 130 deep breaths by attaching a plastic face mask to breathe-in the fresh air through the mouth and nose. This product is perfect for sports enthusiasts, travelers, asthma treatment, nasal infection and others.

Auzair's similar products in China became a huge success where people have been experiencing similar health problems arising from air pollution. The company is also planning to launch its range of health products in India by end of this year. It is hopeful that the firm's business expansion will further strengthen the Australia- India relations.