7th Pay Commission: Employees to go on protest at Jantar Mantar to increase service pay

Speed News Desk 10 December 2018, 13:05 IST

7th Pay Commission: Employees to go on protest at Jantar Mantar to increase service pay

The Union Finance Ministry has dismissed the demand for enhancing the Military Service Pay (MSP) granted to the 1.12 lakh soldiers of Armed Forces, including the Junior Commissioned Officers (JCO) of Army, under the 7th Pay Commission. Disregarding this demand of the ministry, there is despair in the jawans. The jawans had demanded that their MSP be raised from Rs. 5,500 to Rs. 10,000. If the government agrees to the demand, then Rs 610 crores would be spent in the MSP every year.

The soldiers argue that their job is in high risk, so their MSP should be increased. According to the news agency PTI, their demand is supported by the Army Headquarter. The Army Headquarters sent the proposal to the Defense Ministry. The Defense Ministry forwarded this proposal to the Finance Ministry.

According to the news, the Ministry of Defense and Army headquarters are not happy with this step of the finance ministry. Indian Navy and Indian Air Force have also agreed on this proposal with the Army. Due to not accepting the Finance Ministry's proposal, the Army's 87,646 JCOs will be affected directly. At the same time there are 25,434 employees in the Navy and Air Force. JCO also have the same demand.

Yashvir Singh, President of All India Re Employed Ex Servicemen Association said that if a young man of the country asks for his rights on the road, then it will be unfortunate for the country. In other countries, the jawans are getting many kinds of comfort. On the issue, the association officials will talk about the movement's strategy. If the government did not accept the demand, then they would demonstrate the ‘dharna’ on Jantar-Mantar. This association has retired employees from 32 departments, including army, income tax, railway, which will be recruited after retirement throughout the country.