Ranbir Kapoor reveals how he fell for Deepika Padukone

Speed News Desk 24 August 2017, 12:07 IST

Ranbir Kapoor reveals how he fell for Deepika Padukone

There was a time when Bollywood stars Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone were inseparable but eventually the couple broke up. The break-up had taken a toll on both the actors as they went through a rough patch post their separation.

Currently, Deepika and Ranbir have moved on from the relationship but there was a time when they both were in head over heels love with each other.

Ranbir Kapoor, in an interview to leading daily, had revealed some interesting details about his past relationship with Deepika.

One old interview of Ranbir and Deepika is going viral on social media, in which Ranbir told how he fell for Deepika Padukone.

Deepika in that interview had revealed that they both heard each other's name before their debut movies and the interesting thing was that both actor's makeup artists were Bharat and Dorris. Dorris told Deepika once that Ranbir is a lovely boy and you should meet him.

Deepika told how once Dorris called Ranbir immediately and told them to talk to each other. There they exchanged each other's number and after that, they went to a lunch in July 2007 and spent the whole day together.

The number of meetings, after the first lunch, increased as they began to see other more often.

The first movie that they watched together was Mr Bean. They started dating each other from 23 February 2008.

Ranbir said in the interview, "I remember Deepika wore Saffet Ganji and Linen pant that day."

Ranbir also told that what he liked about Deepika is that she is very positive thinking girl and he liked to spend time with her.

However, now it is a thing of past because with the time both got separated and these days Deepika Padukone is dating Ranveer Singh.