Woman finds over 90 venomous snake under her home; know what she does next

Speed News Desk 18 October 2021, 12:53 IST

Woman finds over 90 venomous snake under her home; know what she does next

How would you react if you found more than 90 snakes in your house? Well, you would surely scream in horror or will run away from your house. The same situation has been faced by a house owner in Santa Rosa, California.

The owner left shocked when she found rattlesnakes scurry under her Northern California house. She then called a snake rescuer named Al Wolf, director of Sonoma County Reptile Rescue, who shared the story on the Facebook account.

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“I got a call from somebody that said they had snakes under their house, 3 hours and 45 minutes later This is what I came out with, what would you do,” Sonoma County Reptile Rescue FB post reads.


To rescue the snake, Wolf crawled on his hands, knees, and stomach, tipping over more than 200 small rocks.

“I kept finding snakes for the next almost four hours,” Wolf said.

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“I thought ‘oh, good, it was a worthwhile call’ but I was happy to get out because it’s not nice, you run into spider webs and dirt and it smells crappy and it’s musty and you’re on your belly and you’re dirty. I mean it was work.”

Wolf had removed 22 adult rattlesnakes and 59 babies when he first visited the home in the Mayacamas Mountains on October 2 and when he visited again, he collected 11 more snakes. He also found a dead cat and dead possum from the location.

Wolf told The Press Democrat that most of the snakes were "mellow in nature" so he was able to remove all of them.

All the snakes found under the house were Northern Pacific rattlesnakes, the only venomous snake found in Northern California, he said.

“We know it’s a den site already because of the babies, and the amount of females I found,” he said.

Rattlesnakes usually hibernate from October to April. They look for rocks to hide under and warm places and will return to the same place year after year.

“The snakes found the house to be a great place for them because the rocks give them protection but the house, too, gives them protection from being wet during the winter so, it’s double insulation for them,” Wolf said.

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