Video captures seagull devouring squirrel, revealing versatile feeding habits

Speed News Desk 21 June 2023, 11:23 IST

Video captures seagull devouring squirrel, revealing versatile feeding habits

In a video shared on Twitter, a seagull was captured in the act of devouring a squirrel, challenging our understanding of seagulls' dietary preferences.

While fish are traditionally considered their primary food source, this incident sheds light on the versatile feeding habits of these birds.

Seagulls are well-known for their affinity for fish, but they are not limited to aquatic prey.

They have been observed preying on various terrestrial animals, including arthropods, invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians, and even small rodents like squirrels.


While the sight of a seagull eating a squirrel may seem surprising, it underscores the adaptability and resourcefulness of these birds.

Their ability to thrive in diverse environments and exploit a wide range of food sources contributes to their successful colonization of various habitats.

The footage shared on social media has generated significant interest and sparked discussions regarding the versatile feeding habits of seagulls. It prompts us to appreciate the complex interplay between animals and their environments, encouraging a deeper understanding of the natural world.