OMG! Alligator bites animal trainer during birthday party

Speed News Desk 15 April 2022, 14:23 IST

OMG! Alligator bites animal trainer during birthday party

A horrifying video of an alligator attacking an animal trainer has gone viral on social media.

The video was originally shared on August 14, 2021, on Internet but it has resurfaced again.

Also Read:  Alligator attacks swimmer, bites his arm; terrifying video goes viral

The incident took place during a birthday party at a reptile center in West Valley City, Utah.


In the video, the animal trainer came to feed the gator, and then the ferocious reptile chomped down on her hand and refused to let her go.

However, one of the guests jumped into an enclosure to rescue the woman trainer.

The 31-year-old animal trainer, Lindsay Bull said that she had fed the 8.6ft long alligator named Darthgator several times in the past, but it never attacked her.

In the clip, Bull can be heard shouting ‘back’ and pushing the reptile.

She suffered tendon damage and had chipped bones in her wrist and hand. She was on aggressive antibiotic treatment to prevent infection.

Also Read: Spine-chilling video of shark biting alligator goes viral