London commuters walk around in their underwear during 'No Trousers Day'

Speed News Desk 9 January 2023, 15:26 IST

London commuters walk around in their underwear during 'No Trousers Day'

Commuters in London stripped down to their pants and hopped on to the Underground on Sunday, to mark the 12th annual No Trousers Tube Ride.

The bizarre jamboree was organised by The Stiff Upper Lip Society.

The event was part of The No Pants Subway Ride, an annual global event started by Improv Everywhere in New York in 2002.

A lot of other cities around the world also participated in the event on Sunday.

Images on the internet showed people taking the Underground and using ticket machines and escalators without wearing a trousers.

A large group of people were seen half-suited and booted.


The idea of the bizarre event is to just ride the train with only underwear on your bottom half. The event has no particular reason, but some fun.

As per a report, an official said those taking part in the event should walk around naturally as if they forgot their trousers at home.

"It’s not a performance or any major scene," the official was quoted as saying.

Ideally, we want people to be sitting there, going about their normal business as if they were wearing trousers or a skirt,” the official said.

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