Instant Karma's Comedy Hour: Bull Teaches Showoff a Gravity-Defying Lesson!

Speed News Desk 8 March 2024, 10:57 IST

Instant Karma's Comedy Hour: Bull Teaches Showoff a Gravity-Defying Lesson!

In a daring escapade, a fearless individual took on a full-grown bull, aiming for a moment of viral glory.

Shared on Twitter by @karmaclips, the video quickly gained attention, though not for the anticipated reasons.

The scene unfolds with our wannabe cowboy trying to assert dominance over the massive bull.


For a fleeting moment, success seems within reach.

However, instant karma intervenes as the bull, fed up with the antics, executes a swift head roll.

The result? Our protagonist takes an airborne detour before crash-landing back to reality – the unforgiving ground.

The takeaway? Some endeavours are best left unexplored, especially when facing creatures ready to serve up a hearty dose of instant karma. The moral of the story: Bulls 1, daredevils 0.