Horrifying! Man finds bizarre creature that looks like 'alien' on his room's ceiling

Speed News Desk 11 July 2019, 13:04 IST

Horrifying! Man finds bizarre creature that looks like 'alien' on his room's ceiling

A visual of bizarre creature has come to light which has given goosebumps to many people. Yes, an odd creature has baffled a man when he found it on his room’s ceiling.

The strange animal was spotted in a home in Bali, Indonesia. No one could identify what creature it was. Many guessed it like an alien.

The appearance of the animal was looked like a translucent cricket and half of its body portion looked like a hairy jellyfish.

The unidentified creature was found in Hari Toae’s home which was hanging from a curtain rod by his ceiling. Toae though that the animal was staying in his room to avoid raining that evening, Mirror reported.

He shared the video on YouTube with a caption, “I will let it stay in my house, but only for the night. I don't want it to scare my guests away.”

See video:


Hari was failed to identify the creature and won’t understand where it came from. However, he called it an alien-like figure.

‘It’s not something I’ve ever seen before,’ Hari said.

Reports suggested that the unusual creature is a creatonotos gangis which is usually found in Southeast Asia and Australia and it is a species of arctiine moth.


Isn't so scary?

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