Horrified! Woman wakes up to mouse eating her eyeball; know what happens next

Speed News Desk 6 July 2021, 17:53 IST

Horrified! Woman wakes up to mouse eating her eyeball; know what happens next

Mouse plague has created a ruckus in Australia’s New South Wales for the past few months or so. People have fallen victim to the plague that has already caused millions of dollars of damage in the Land Down Under.

Amid this chaos, a stomach-churning incident has been reported in NSW where a farmer’s wife rushed to hospital after she woke up to a mouse eating her eyeball. Yes, you read it right! The woman actually woke up to a rodent biting her eyeball.

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According to a report in the New York Post, the woman was rushed to a local hospital after waking up horrified.

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She has become the victim of the outbreak, which is being dubbed as the worst in more than 30 years, The Times reported.

Reportedly, this shocking incident took place last month in New South Wales (NSW).

Meanwhile, the plagues have been especially affecting the farmers as they have damaged their crops and killed their source of income.

In another similar incident, a farmer woke up after he felt a mouse crawl across his face. “I felt a tickly, furry sensation as it crawled from behind my ear across my cheek,” Mick Harris, a farmer told The Times.

“It made my skin crawl. My hair stood up and I jumped out of bed," he added. He didn’t sleep for the rest of the night until he caught the mouse.

In the wake of the plague, the government of the Australian state of New South Wales has sought India’s help and will purchase 5,000 litres of bromadiolone, which is a banned poison and the state's Agriculture Minister Adam Marshall has called it “the strongest mouse poison on Earth.”

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