Crocodile's Aerial Ambush: Watch as Fearless Reptile Takes on a Drone Mid-Air!

Speed News Desk 22 February 2024, 14:28 IST

Crocodile's Aerial Ambush: Watch as Fearless Reptile Takes on a Drone Mid-Air!

Drones are cool gadgets that capture amazing pictures from way up high. There's this crazy video on social media where a crocodile tries to catch a drone while it's busy filming.

In the video, the drone is flying over a body of water, and the crocodile is following it. It seems like the noise from the drone bothered the crocodile.

When the drone gets close to the water, the crocodile jumps up high, trying to grab it with its mouth. It's a close call, but the drone manages to escape the surprise attack.


Crocodiles are powerful and agile creatures, capable of impressive vertical jumps when launching themselves from a water body. While the exact height a crocodile can jump varies among species and individuals, some reports suggest that they can reach heights of around 1 to 2 times their body length.