The world is still battling against the coronavirus pandemic as the vaccine hasn’t developed yet. Scientists across the world are burning the midnight oil to develop the vaccine as soon as possible. A Mathematician named Luthais McCash, who predicted the coronavirus pandemic, has offered a solution to deal with the pandemic.
McCash, 26, a research fellow at the University of Leicester, says he has made various warnings about leaving lockdown too early. According to, McCash’s previous theories related to COVID have come true.
The 26-year-old Maths genius from Kent specializes in applied Mathematics and Mathematical modelling.
According to McCash’s new theory, the coronavirus will remain to continue for another two years in the United Kingdom, Kent Live reports.
McCash also revealed that he hasn’t left his home since March, except to walk the dog on beaches and to pick up important things with his partner.
Earlier, McCash correctly forecasted numbers for cases and deaths and sent his predictions in advance to people he trusts.
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The maths genius believed that 12 months of lockdown would be sufficient to suppress the virus.
"I will say that I am hypothesising. But my view – and I hope I am wrong – is that it will never end unless we go for a suppression strategy. We will develop mechanisms to deal with it better, but it won't go away. We need to stop everything. We need a 12-month lockdown. I appreciate that that will have a massive effect on people's income, people's lives, but that's what's needed,” McCash said.
Luthais McCash said: “I am not a virologist or an immunologist but at the end of the day I am a scientist who is very passionate about empirical evidence.”
A local newspaper in Scotland where he grew up called him a “gene genius”. He further told that people should maintain social distancing, wear masks, and be vigilant, work together in the sense that you think.