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Julian Assange's Twitter account briefly disappears

News Agencies | Updated on: 26 December 2017, 10:54 IST

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's Twitter account had disappeared for a while; however the account reappeared shortly.

Assange's Twitter handle @JulianAssange, while the account was gone, resulted in, "Sorry, that page doesn't exist!".

It's unclear if the account was suspended by Twitter or deactivated by Assange himself.

An account, which claimed to be Assange's alternative account, stated that Twitter had deleted his official one ahead of a 'bombshell' story he's preparing to break, reported the Independent.

However, there was no clear sign that the 46-year-old Assange was behind the alternative account and it was also later suspended by Twitter.

The Australian computer programmer's brief Twitter disappearance received mixed responses from the public. While some of Assange's supporters expressed anger for they believed it to be 'Twitter's censorship of free speech', others hailed that the account 'could no longer be viewed', the report said.

In November, United States President Donald Trump's account was briefly deactivated by a rogue employee on his last day of work, who later said the whole situation was a mistake. 


First published: 26 December 2017, 10:54 IST