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Afghan forces kill 28 insurgents: MoD

News Agencies | Updated on: 3 March 2018, 10:47 IST
Afghan_Army (ANI)

At least 28 insurgents have been killed during the military operations carried out by the security forces in the past 24 hours, said the Afghan Ministry of Defence (MoD).

Tolo News quoted the Afghan ministry as saying in a statement on Saturday that the operations were conducted by the Afghan forces in Nangarhar, Laghman, Ghazni, Paktika, Logar, Kandahar, Farah, Takhar, Faryab, Nimroz and Helmand provinces.

At least 13 other insurgents were injured in the operations, the statement further said. Adding that, also a number of vehicles and weapons belonging to insurgents were destroyed.

The airstrikes carried out by the Afghan forces targetted the insurgent hideouts.

No insurgent group has commented on the incident, so far.

Earlier on Friday, at least one person was killed and 14 others injured in a car bomb explosion in the capital city, Kabul.


First published: 3 March 2018, 10:47 IST