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Control Dengue and Malaria With Used Bike Oil

Catch Team | Updated on: 2 August 2024, 21:46 IST
Dispose of used bike oil in drains, pits

Kotdi: The health department has been consistently running awareness campaigns every year to control diseases like dengue and malaria. This year, the Kotdi health department has come up with a unique initiative to educate people on the importance of proper disposal of bike oil.

According to the health department, when bike oil is changed during servicing, the used oil should not be thrown away carelessly. Instead, it should be collected and disposed of in nearby drains, pits, and areas where water accumulates. This simple act can help prevent the breeding of mosquitoes that spread diseases like dengue and malaria.

The health department has been spreading this message door-to-door through ANM and ASHA workers. Block Program Manager Ramesh Dhakad has emphasized the importance of this initiative, stating that disposing of bike oil properly can help control the spread of diseases like malaria and dengue.

The health department's anti-larval activities have been successful in controlling the spread of diseases in the past, and this new initiative is expected to further reinforce these efforts. By following this simple tip, people can contribute to a healthier and disease-free community.


First published: 2 August 2024, 21:46 IST