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Uttar Pradesh: Moradabad Farmers Hit Hard by Heavy Rain

Catch Team | Updated on: 14 September 2024, 11:18 IST
Major crop damage

Moradabad (Uttar Pradesh): Farmers are grappling with major crop damage caused by heavy rain and strong winds over the past two days. Reports indicate that approximately 60 per cent of sugarcane and 70 per cent of paddy crops have been affected by the adverse weather conditions.

Waterlogged fields and widespread damage

The ongoing rain has caused fields to become waterlogged, while strong winds have led to widespread crop damage. According to sources, in many areas, sugarcane crops have completely fallen over, and paddy fields are underwater. Farmers are particularly concerned about the potential for disease to affect their sugarcane crops, which could lead to further losses.

Impact on Moradabad’s primary crops

Moradabad is known for its cultivation of paddy, wheat, and sugarcane. Farmers in the region also grow vegetables alongside these primary crops. The continuous rain and strong winds have left fields flooded and crops lying on the ground, resulting in substantial damage.

"The rain has been relentless, and the fields are filled with water," said Dr. Rajendra Pal Singh, the district agriculture officer. "The strong winds have caused the crops to fall, leading to significant damage. The sugarcane and paddy crops are severely affected."

Unusually long rain causes further concern

Dr. Singh further explained that the rain, which is expected to last until September 15, has caused considerable disruption. "This time, the rain has been unusually long and heavy. Strong winds accompanying the rain have led to many crops, especially sugarcane and paddy, lying on the ground. In many fields I visited, both sugarcane and paddy crops are seen lying flat, causing extensive damage to farmers," he said.

Future prospects for crop recovery

The agriculture officer noted that while some crops might recover once the soil dries out, ongoing rain could make the situation worse. "When the rain stops, some crops might recover as the soil becomes loose and the roots re-establish. However, if the rain continues as forecasted, with an additional 2-3 days of rain expected, it will pose a significant problem for farmers. The continuous wet conditions are particularly damaging to small vegetables and flowers," Dr. Singh added.

Vegetables most at risk

He also highlighted the specific impact on various crops. "Vegetables such as onions, coriander, and cauliflower are suffering the most. These small crops are highly affected by waterlogging and can rot quickly. In contrast, sugarcane is more resilient. Although there is some damage, it is less severe compared to other crops. Nevertheless, even with sugarcane, there is potential for reduced yields," Dr. Singh said.

Authorities assess damage and consider assistance

The situation is dire for farmers, as the rain and wind have disrupted their primary source of livelihood. The district authorities are assessing the damage and considering possible assistance measures for affected farmers. Dr. Singh assured that the government would look into providing support if the losses are extensive. "We are evaluating the situation and will consider government assistance if the losses are significant. For now, farmers are advised to use alternative measures to protect their crops and minimise further damage," he added.

(With ANI inuts)

First published: 14 September 2024, 11:18 IST