There has been very few times when Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi has tweeted or made any statements and not been trolled. But people have recently seen change in the pattern. His tweets have become more sensible and people could not cope up with it.
Twitter users are amazed by this head turning act of Rahul Gandhi. He has been tweeting about the oppositions and playing a witty game on twitter nowadays. And twitterati’s think it is not-so-Rahul Gandhi to be making such remarks.
The Congress leader made these following tweets within few days:
भूख है तो सब्र कर, रोटी नहीं तो क्या हुआ
— Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) October 13, 2017
आजकल दिल्ली में है जेरे-बहस ये मुद्दआ
- दुष्यंत कुमार
मौसम का हाल:
— Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) October 16, 2017
चुनाव से पहले गुजरात में आज होगी जुमलों की बारिश
Dear Mr. Jaitley, May the Farce be with you.
— Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) October 25, 2017
After all the buzz that these tweets created, Rahul Gandhi has answered to all the anticipations and revealed the one who is behind all these tweets in the past few days.
Here is the one who has been handling Rahul Gandhi's Twitter account:
Ppl been asking who tweets for this guy..I'm coming's me..Pidi..I'm way 😎 than him. Look what I can do with a tweet..oops..treat!
— Office of RG (@OfficeOfRG) October 29, 2017
Twitteratis definitely couldn't keep calm after this post:
Sir Einstine won noble prize for his precise calculation of RaGa's IQ. (R in pic stands for Rahul and k is Kejriwal coefficient), 1915.
— Office of Sarcasm (@whsitleblower) October 29, 2017
Sonia Gandhi to sue her in court for copying
— Office of Sarcasm (@whsitleblower) October 29, 2017
Sonia Gandhi statue has exactly same thing in hand that they offered to this nation - 💩
— Office of Sarcasm (@whsitleblower) October 29, 2017
Africa ka 'Pappu' 😂
— Office of Sarcasm (@whsitleblower) October 29, 2017
Counter tweet from Amit 😂😂😂
— #Elite Blocked Baba (@sunny_congress) October 29, 2017
People seem more relieved to know that 'Pidi' was actually the one who has been tweeting all along.