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10 weird condom flavours you won't believe exist

Shriya Bhasin | Updated on: 10 January 2018, 12:07 IST

Excitement and thrill in the bedroom are necessary to keep the spark alive between a couple. If you are feeling sexually adventurous and don't know what to do, trying unique condom flavours is probably the best option. And no we are not talking about strawberry or chocolate flavours. These are the flavours that are far away from being simple, light and ordinary. Some of them are so unique that they sound like they could be appetizing and others not at all.

But whatever turns you on and keeps you safe, even if it's gross (at least for us), you must definitely give it a shot. Here we have compiled a list of 10 of the weirdest flavour condoms that you can actually get.

1. Achaari flavour condoms

2. Weed flavour condoms

3. Whisky flavour condoms

4. Garlic flavour condoms

5. Eggplant flavour condoms

6. Chicken Tikka Masala flavour condoms

7. Mint Tingle flavour condoms

8. Fire and Ice flavour condoms

9. Bacon flavour condoms

10. Pan flavour condoms

Have you tried any of these yet?

First published: 8 August 2017, 14:54 IST