Students are now under pressure since exams are going to arrive in the upcoming month of March. Each and every one of you, during your school time, must have invented various tricks and techniques to learn and understand the things. But when you have been caught in the examination hall for doing cheating, at that time you might have felt shameful for doing such an act. When after years later, you will sit with your friends, you will surely talk about those funny moments and will laugh hard at your stupidity.
Today, we are taking you back to school time when many of the students tried some cheating tricks that turned out to be the really crazy and hell creative. Well, this is purely for entertainment purpose and we do not recommend any student to try these tricks as it is not ethical for anyone.
Let's have a look at some strangest ways in which the students con their examiner:
PinterestMany of you done this mischievous step during your exam time by writing the cheat note on a water bottle.
PinterestTo befool an invigilator, many students have written on their fingernails with neat and clean handwriting. This is seriously a creative method that comes to the mind of a cheater.
Text on legs (Pinterest)You may fall in trouble if your invigilator asked to remove your socks.
PinterestDuring exam time many students found to cheat in others exam copy only when invigilators move from their seats.
PinterestGirls are not also behind the boys in doing cheating. As you can the technique for doing cheating.
YoutubeStudents are now expected to bring the transparent box in the exam hall because of this method of cheating.
YoutubeWhile talking about the cheating tricks we can't forget the Mr Bean, a famous comedian.