Home » Education News » Amid COVID-19 crisis UGC urges universities to set up grievances cell for students

Amid COVID-19 crisis UGC urges universities to set up grievances cell for students

News Agencies | Updated on: 11 May 2020, 8:33 IST

University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued a circular to all universities requesting them to establish a cell for handling grievances of the students related to examination and other academic activities arising due to COVID-19 pandemic and notify the same to students.

On April 29, the UGC had issued guidelines on Examination and Academic Calender in view of COVID-19 pandemic. In accordance to the earlier guideline, all universities have been advised to plan their academic activities keeping in view of safety and interested of all stakeholders, giving highest priority to the health of all concerned while adopting and implementing the new guidelines.

The UGC has also set up a task force to monitor concerns/grievances of students, teachers and institutions and redress them accordingly.

"Also dedicated helpline number: 011-23236374 has been set up. Email id also created for handling grievances is covid19help.ugc@gmail.com.students can also lodge grievances online on www.ugc.ac.in/grievance/student reg.aspx.


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First published: 11 May 2020, 8:33 IST