Home » Politics » Today Islam has been saved from fundamentalists: RSS on triple talaq verdict

Today Islam has been saved from fundamentalists: RSS on triple talaq verdict

Anurag Dey | Updated on: 22 August 2017, 17:41 IST
(Qamar Sibtain/India Today Group/Getty Images)

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) said the Supreme Court has “saved Islam from fundamentalists” by striking down the practice of triple talaq.

The organisation called upon Muslim clerics to prevent malicious interpretation of the Quran, to save the religion from getting defamed.

Holding a conference in the national capital, RSS's Muslim wing 'Muslim Rashtriya Manch' (MRM) also made dozens of Muslim clerics from across the country take a vow to ensure that cows were not slaughtered and beef not consumed on Eid-ul-Adha, which falls on 2 September.

'Libertion of 8-9 crore Muslim women'

“The Supreme Court has liberated and empowered 8-9 crore Muslim women, who, in the name of religion, were subjected to the atrocity of triple talaq. Islam never permitted triple talaq, and it is considered an offence. Yet, in the name of religion, it was carried on. The verdict is also a message to fundamentalists and others, who maliciously misinterpreted the Quran and religious texts to suit their interests and advocated for triple talaq,” MRM patron Indresh Kumar said after the Supreme Court's Constitution Bench declared the practice 'unconstitutional'.

Citing the Quran and other religious texts, Kumar claimed that divorce was considered the greatest sin in Islam, and said anyone opposing the court's verdict would be opposing the development of the country.

“Today is the day when Islam is saved from fundamentalists. Marriage and divorce are not religious matters, yet people have been citing religion to unleash miseries on women. Today, Muslims have realised that certain political leaders, for their own interests, were actually taking them away from religion. The verdict is a call for all Muslims to ensure that Quran and other religious texts are not misinterpreted. Anybody opposing this verdict actually would be opposing the country's progress. People should refrain from falling into the trap of any kind of provocation,” he said.

“Islam is about peace and brotherhood, yet today, it is being projected otherwise. It is duty of the Muslims to ensure that their religion is not defamed. This is the time to stand against fundamentalists and hail this verdict.”

Rehab centre for divorced women across India

RSS leaders said that after “liberating” Muslim women, it was time for the court and the government to ensure rehabilitation of divorced women and their children.

He said rehabilitation centres should be set up in all districts across the country, where divorced women and their children, who don't have a means of livelihood, are given shelter and opportunities for education and vocational training.

'Cow dung doesn't smell'

At the conference, where dozens of Muslim clerics were present, the MRM asked them to ensure cow were not slaughtered and beef not consumed during Eid.

Singing paeans about the glory of the cow, Kumar said the animal is revered across religions, and none of them permit its slaughtering.

“Be it Islam or Christianity, Quran on Bible, cow slaughter is not permitted; rather, it is considered sacrilegious. From the Vatican City to Mecca and Medina, no place of worship permits cow slaughtering. Yet, it is carried out in the name of religion,” he said.

“Cow is not just revered by Hindus but by all religions. The biggest chapter in the Quran is dedicated to the cow, whereas Jesus was born in a cowshed. As such, cow has a special place for Christians as well.

“The whole world knows the cow is invaluable. Today, 90% of the global population depends on cow milk, that is why cow is called the mother of humanity.

“But it is not just its milk – the medicinal and other qualities of cow urine and cow dung are unmatchable,” said Kumar, claiming that cow excreta was used in making over 250 medicines.

“Human and animal excreta is poisonous and obnoxious, but not cow excreta. Cow dung is the only animal excreta that doesn't smell foul; rather it has many benefits. In rural India, it is as good as cement and people layer their house wall with cow dung to make it durable,” said Kumar, who had earlier claimed cow dung can be used for making army bunkers.

Citing the Quran, Kumar claimed beef was akin to poison, and asked the clerics to ensure during Eid festivities, religious sentiments of Hindus were not hurt.

“While celebrating festivals, it is essential that sentiments of others are not hurt. We all present here take this vow that we will not allow cow slaughtering on Eid,” said Kumar, as all clerics agreed in unison.

First published: 22 August 2017, 17:41 IST