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Watch what happens when a gorilla kid encounters a young deer

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 22 April 2023, 9:59 IST
Gorilla kid encounters a young deer

It's a common belief that the animal kingdom is a savage, cut-throat world where every creature is out to get each other. But the truth is far from it. Animals are capable of showing empathy, kindness, and love towards each other. This is exemplified in a heartwarming video that shows a gorilla kid inching towards a young deer, just to explore and establish contact with it.

In the video, we see the gorilla kid slowly approaching the deer. The deer, sensing no threat, stands still and allows the gorilla to come closer. The gorilla reaches out and touches the deer's ear, and the deer remains calm. They sniff each other without any aggression, and it's clear that this is a moment of mutual curiosity and fascination.

This interaction between the gorilla and the deer is a beautiful example of how animals can live in harmony with each other. It's not just these two animals; there are countless other examples of animals interacting peacefully, even across species. Elephants have been known to form bonds with dogs, and cats have been seen cuddling up to birds.

This peaceful coexistence is not just limited to domesticated animals. In the wild, we see instances of animals working together to achieve a common goal. Wolves hunt in packs, birds flock together for safety, and even lions have been known to share food with other animals.


This interaction between the gorilla and the deer is a beautiful example of how animals can live in harmony with each other. It's not just these two animals; there are countless other examples of animals interacting peacefully, even across species. Elephants have been known to form bonds with dogs, and cats have been seen cuddling up to birds.

This peaceful coexistence is not just limited to domesticated animals. In the wild, we see instances of animals working together to achieve a common goal. Wolves hunt in packs, birds flock together for safety, and even lions have been known to share food with other animals.


First published: 22 April 2023, 9:58 IST