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Video with a message for us all: Elephant finds divine delight in Jackfruit amidst religious procession!

Speed News Desk | Updated on: 22 May 2023, 8:55 IST
Elephant finds divine delight in Jackfruit

In a truly enchanting and unforgettable moment, an elephant participating in a religious procession stumbled upon a delightful surprise - a jackfruit tree conveniently placed along its path. The incident, captured in a video shared by Twitter user @susantananda3, has captured the hearts and funny bones of viewers around the world, highlighting the whimsical nature of life's unexpected encounters.

As the religious procession, filled with devotion and fervour, proceeded down the streets, an incredible twist of fate presented itself.

A majestic elephant, dutifully taking part in the ceremonial march, discovered a jackfruit tree strategically positioned along the procession route. Unable to resist the temptation, the gentle giant gracefully paused, as if acknowledging the divine intervention that had placed the coveted fruit right before its very eyes.

With an astonishing display of dexterity and precision, the elephant deftly extended its trunk towards the hanging jackfruits, plucking them with a finesse that left the onlookers in awe. The normally solemn atmosphere transformed into an eruption of laughter and jubilation as the elephant delighted in its impromptu snack, fully immersed in the moment of pure joy.

The unexpected interlude injected an extra layer of charm into the religious procession, reminding everyone present that life's most delightful moments often arise from the most unforeseen circumstances. The shared laughter and amazement brought people together, forging a deeper connection and appreciation for the innate playfulness and zest for life that resides within all creatures, big and small.


The viral video has quickly become a symbol of the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature, as well as a testament to the power of unexpected encounters. It serves as a gentle reminder to embrace the magic and serendipity that life has to offer, even amidst the solemnity of religious rituals.

So, the next time you witness a religious procession, keep an eye out for the enchanting dance between tradition and spontaneity. You might just witness a devoted elephant finding divine delight in a humble jackfruit, reminding us all to cherish the extraordinary moments that unfold in the most ordinary of circumstances.

First published: 21 May 2023, 11:38 IST