Home » international news » Israel 'racist' state remark: Pramila Jayapal apologises

Israel 'racist' state remark: Pramila Jayapal apologises

News Agencies | Updated on: 17 July 2023, 10:28 IST
US Representative Pramila Jayapal (File Picture)

Washington, DC [US]: US Representative Pramila Jayapal has apologised for calling Israel a "racist" state.

Jayapal is the Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and is known for her anti-Israel positions in an official statement on Sunday clarified that she does not believe the idea of Israel as a nation is racist.

“Words do matter,” said Jayapal in the statement adding “and so it is important that I clarify my statement. I do not believe the idea of Israel as a nation is racist.” 

Jayapal posted her statement on Twitter and said that she was attempting to "defuse a tense situation" and offered her "apologies to those who I have hurt with my words."

Jayapal was responding to criticism about comments she made during a panel discussion at a conference in Chicago on Saturday.

In her official apology, the Washington Democrat said, "I believe it is incumbent on all of us who are striving to make our world a more just and equitable place to call out and condemn these policies and this current Netanyahu government's role in furthering them."


First published: 17 July 2023, 10:28 IST