A family in California gets $1.6 million for horrible bed bugs that bite their three-year-old son

In a bedbug case, a family in California was given $1.6 million. Three-year-old Jorge Maravilla son of 34-year-old Lilliana Martinez was permanently bitten by bedbug bites recently. The problem of bedbugs started in the year 2012 when the couple shifted to a new apartment. A few years later after their son was born they discovered that the bedbug had bitten him and he had red spots all over his body, including the face.

Lilliana Martinez shared that her daughter who was three-month-old was also bitten by the bugs. Later, she filed a case against the owner of the apartment. On hearing this case, a civil jury in ordered the owner of the apartment to pay the family US$1,593,500.
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First published: 5 April 2018, 16:12 IST