Monkeypox Alert Gwalior: Isolation Ward Set Up at District Hospital

Gwalior: The Health Department has issued guidelines to control and prevent the spread of Monkeypox, a zoonotic disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans and from human to human. According to the guidelines, Monkeypox is primarily found in the tropical rainforest areas of central and western Africa.
Symptoms of Monkeypox include fever, rash, and swelling of lymph nodes, which can last for 2-4 weeks. In severe cases, the mortality rate can be as high as 1-10%. The virus can enter the body through broken skin, eyes, nose, or mouth, and can be transmitted through contact with infected animals, contaminated bedding, and other means.
To combat the potential threat of Monkeypox, the District Hospital has set up a 10-bed isolation ward, and a help desk has been established to provide information and guidance to the public. The hospital has also ensured the availability of necessary medicines.
Dr. Nitesh Mudgal (MD Medicine) and Dr. Ram Bansal (Pediatrician) will be available at the help desk from 9 am to 3 pm to provide information and guidance to the public. The public can contact the help desk at mobile number 9713528573 for any queries or concerns related to Monkeypox.
The Health Department has also instructed all subordinate health institutions to take necessary precautions and follow the guidelines to prevent the spread of Monkeypox.
With the establishment of the isolation ward and the help desk, the District Hospital is fully prepared to handle any potential cases of Monkeypox. The public is advised to take necessary precautions and follow the guidelines to prevent the spread of the disease.
(By Neeraj Chaturvedi, Gwalior)