Kota: Seasonal Diseases on the Rise, Jaundice Cases Increasing

Sangod (Rajasthan): The number of patients suffering from seasonal diseases has been increasing in the region, with the outpatient department of the local hospital crossing the 900 mark. The changing weather pattern, with intermittent rainfall and scorching heat, has led to a surge in cases of jaundice, with over a dozen patients reporting in the past week.
According to medical experts, the virus that causes jaundice is present in the stool of infected patients, which can spread the disease. Contaminated water, milk, and food can also contribute to the spread of the disease. Therefore, it is essential to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness, and to wash hands and food items thoroughly before consumption.
The hospital's outpatient department has been flooded with patients, with most of them suffering from seasonal diseases. The number of admitted patients has also increased, with the hospital's wards being overcrowded most of the time.
Doctors are advising people to take precautions to prevent the spread of seasonal diseases, including jaundice. They recommend maintaining proper hygiene, washing hands regularly, and avoiding contaminated food and water.
In the past week, over a dozen cases of jaundice have been reported, with most of the patients being children and teenagers. Medical experts are concerned about the rising number of cases and are urging people to take necessary precautions to prevent the spread of the disease.
Stay Clean, Stay Safe
Medical experts stress the importance of maintaining proper hygiene and cleanliness to prevent the spread of seasonal diseases, including jaundice. They recommend washing hands regularly, especially before eating and avoiding contaminated food and water.